Posted by John McKenna | Jan 7, 2024 | Community, The Buzz Around Town

Possum Queen Festival and Auction Chairman John Bongiorno, right, with John and Jen Roller, owners of Crystal Peak Wedding and Events Facility. Contributed
A week after the Possum Queen Festival and Auction was held at Crystal Peak Wedding and Special Events Facility in Winsted, donations for the annual fundraiser continue to pour in.
More than $112,000 was raised as of Wednesday and the total is expected to rise as donations and the proceeds from silent and live auctions are counted.
The coveted title of Possum Queen for 2024 went to Crystal Peak owners John and Jen Roller. The Rollers provide complimentary use of their venue.
The Possum Queen Foundation will use money raised to assist area residents of limited financial means to cover the cost of unanticipated medical expenses. Local sports celebrity Billy Neller of Litchfield serves as president of the foundation and Litchfield Selectman John Bongiorno is vice president. Bongiorno was chairman of the festival and auction.